Utilities provided details and data associated with actual distribution circuits having high-penetration PV to use as case studies. An important element of the project was the more » partnership and participation of six major Florida utilities and the Florida Reliability Coordinating Council (FRCC). SUNGRIN has made significant contributions in the development of simulation-assisted techniques, tools, insight and understanding associated with solar PV effects on electric power system (EPS) operation and the evaluation of mitigation options for maintaining reliable operation.

FSU CAPS and industry and university partners have completed a five-year effort aimed at enabling effective integration of high penetration levels of grid-connected solar PV generation. The report provides results from the Sunshine State Solar Grid Initiative (SUNGRIN) high penetration solar PV deployment project led by Florida State University’s (FSU) Center for Advanced Power Systems (CAPS). We have also observed that the PV hosting capacity increases with reactive power support and higher tap position of sub-station LTC. Case studies show that the PV hosting capacity of the 123-node feeder greatly differs with the number of PV injection nodes. The case studies more » are performed particularly for one, two, five and ten PV injection nodes, and looking at the maximum voltage deviations. The performance of the proposed method is investigated in the IEEE 123-node distribution feeder for multiple scenarios. The simulation setup is built using OpenDSS and MATLAB. In the proposed method, several minute by minute simulations are run based on randomly chosen PV injection nodes, daily PV output profiles, and daily load profiles from a pool of high-resolution realistic data set. This paper proposes an algorithm to determine photovoltaic (PV) hosting capacity of power distribution networks as a function of number of PV injection nodes, reactive power support from the PVs, and the sub-station load tap changers (LTCs).